
【國際能力課程】Social Innovation and Social Enterprises 社會創新及社會企業探究

During this month, students explored the unit, “Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Enterprises,” for their inquiry, learning, and exploration. The teacher, Ian, guided students to understand the concepts of social enterprises and identify areas of interest for in-depth exploration. Students researched a Taiwanese social enterprise addressing a social issue and analyzed its mission, vision, executing projects, contributions, and impact. They demonstrated their findings through English presentations in class. In class, students interactively shared their discoveries in various fields, including education for remote areas, child and youth care and rehabilitation, assistance for vulnerable kids, diverse gender groups, and abandoned animal care. Through discussion and feedback, students reflected on the social enterprises they are interested in developing and the entrepreneurial skills they want to boost in their school life. Through this unit, we expect students to develop insights into social issues, envision the contributions and social impacts, and cultivate social entrepreneurship and international vision.



單位: 教育服務中心