【Global Competency國際能力課程】– Earth Day 2024 Planet vs. Plastics世界地球日專題課程

Global Competency – Earth Day 2024 Planet vs. Plastics This year, the theme of Earth Day centered around “Planet vs. Plastics.” In this inquiry unit, the teacher, Ian, guided students to understand and ponder on the impacts of plastic on the planet and people’s health. After understanding the goals and visions for this year, students discussed ways to reduce plastic waste, and the collective efforts individuals, governments, businesses, and schools can make to create change. The teacher guided students to understand the principles of a circular economy and responsible consumption and production. As global citizens, students reflected on their mindsets and the practices they will adopt. Let’s hope for a healthy planet and world in the future!

今年地球日的主題為「地球 vs. 塑膠」,透過這堂課的主題,Ian老師希望同學們能反思塑膠對地球及人類健康的影響。從今年地球日主題的目標與願景,老師讓同學們分組討論減少塑膠垃圾的方法,以及個人、政府、企業乃至學校能共創永續社會並發展的關係網絡,引導大家了解「循環經濟」與「SDG 12目標:負責任的消費與生產」的原則。


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