
This semester, in the recent Global Competency classes, students have embarked on conducting their projects independently, focusing on specific social or environmental problems observed at a local site in Taiwan. They have outlined the focus of their investigation and written specific problem statements. In the recent classes, they identified the causes and factors of the problems and cited sources to support their arguments and reasoning. With the conceptual guiding and investigating tools provided by the teacher, Ian, students have probed deeper and gained a better understanding of the social problems. They reported feeling motivated and inspired when delving into the issues. In the next round of the projects, students will interact with the participants and ideate innovative and practical solutions to address the problems. 在本學期【國際能力】課程中,高中學生們開始進行專題獨立研究,挖掘在臺灣特定場域裡所觀察到的社會與環境問題。 同學們針對自己探討的主題大量地閱讀文獻與討論,並嘗試挖掘問題的細部原因及影響因素,學習引用文獻資料佐證,支持自己撰寫的論點。老師也在課堂中提供學生概念性引導與思考工具,讓同學們能對社會問題有更深入的理解與探究。 接下來的課程,同學們將羅列與自己研究的議題相關的人事物,並與其互動,構思創意且實用的解決方案來解決問題。期待學生後續深入且獨到的產出!
單位: 教導處