✨Let’s playing games to think mathematically! - Tower of Hanoi

今天外籍老師-Shannon的數學課要顛覆大家以往對數學課堂的認知,從「河內塔(Tower of Hanoi)」的數學問題帶著同學們透過「遊戲」的方式回顧剛學完的數列(sequence)概念🧐

同學們必須尋找最好的解決方式來移動河內塔規則裡的六個盤子,最讓老師欣賞的,是小組的合作無間,以及試錯無數次仍然有不斷挑戰的決心,直到完成任務解出習題的那一刻! 看著大家如此專心地解題,相信必定在得到答案的那一刻十分有成就感🥰🥰🥰

As we are learning about sequences, a fun way to start is by playing games that bring out the necessity for strategic thinking in addition to counting. Students played the game Tower of Hanoi, where they had to find an optimal solution to moving pieces under certain rules. They worked together so well- especially when they faced the challenge of how many moves it would take for 6 disks! It was inspiring to see them face failure with resilience and perseverance until they finally succeeded!

單位: 教育服務中心