

這堂「預備微積分(Precalculus)」課程中,老師正在與高中部的同學們探討「碎形(fractals)」是如何形成,以及其形成方式「迭代(iteration)」的意涵,因此老師讓大家用紙張來詮釋「康托爾集中段三分之一的碎形(Cantors middle thirds fractal)」以及「謝爾賓斯基三角形(Sierpinski triangle)」的圖形。


In Precalculus students are exploring how fractals are made, through a process called “iteration.”  They made paper representations of “Cantor’s middle thirds fractal” and the “Sierpinski triangle.”

Fractals are mathematical objects which are self-similar on different scales.  In other words, zooming in on a fractal looks similar to the original shape!

單位: 教育服務中心